
What is Brainspotting in relation to performance?

Performance traumas, include:

  • Fears

  • Performance anxieties

  • Past humiliations

  • Shame

  • Failures or rejections

  • Injuries

These accumulate over time and are “stored” in areas of the subcortex of the brain. When least expected, or at times when we need to be performing at our best, these areas can become “activated” causing a “withdrawal reflex,” or a freeze/fight/flight response, such as:

  • Split-second flinch or hesitation

  • Muscle tension

  • Anxiety – feelings, stuttering, nausea, negative self-talk, etc.

  • Mental blocks

  • Freezing on the field/stage

  • “yips,” “choking,” performing well during practice, but not during competition/event, “slumps”

These reactions result in a decline in performance and a negative spiral in morale, motivation and confidence.


What are “Brainspots”?

Brainspots are areas of the brain where “activations” are “stored,” which are closely connected, both anatomically and neurologically, to our vision and where we look with our eyes. Much of how we feel, what we experience and how we react are connected to where we look, whether we’re aware of this or not (most of the time we’re not). Brainspotting works specifically on these spots. However, we all have spots that are linked to both negative AND positive activations.

Brainspotting is a powerful, effective and efficient practice that:

  • Bypasses the neocortex (thinking part of the brain)

  • Goes straight to the subcortex - where emotions and reactions (both positive and negative) are stored.

  • Works on both the negative and positive activations

During a Brainspotting session:

  • We hone in on these visual access spots (found with the practitioner) – spots can be both positive and/or negative

  • The client mindfully focuses

  • The brain processes through that particular spot; processing and breaking through deeper emotional context and/or trauma(s)

  • The process of expansion and enhancement in performance and creativity begins